Keyword Search Result: beneficiary

The rights of a posthumously conceived child

THE FACTS: My brother Tom recently passed away. I am the administrator of his estate. Tom had no children and was not married at the time of his death, but he was living with Sue. They had been living together for over 10 years.  About a month after Tom’s funeral, Sue told me that she and […]

The Importance of Beneficiary Designations

The Facts: My brother Joe was dying from cancer and wanted to be sure that all of his assets passed to his wife, Mary, upon his death without the need for court intervention. He mentioned this a number of times so I assumed he had taken the necessary steps to insure that his wishes were […]

Consistency Is the Key

The Facts: My mother’s Will contains provisions that are inconsistent with other documents she has signed and with what she told my sister about the distribution of her estate. The Question: Are the Will provisions void or are the other documents unenforceable? The Answer: Unfortunately, the situation you’ve described is quite common and often creates […]

Will My Brother Still Inherit?

The Facts: My mother died recently. She and my brother, who is my only sibling, had not spoken to each other in over a decade. In her Will, my mother disinherited my brother. On the beneficiary designation form for her IRA, my mother named my father, who predeceased my mother, as the sole beneficiary. She […]

Divorce and Life Insurance Beneficiaries

The Facts: When I got married in 2000 my wife named me as the beneficiary on her life insurance policy. We were divorced two years ago. Our divorce settlement provides that my ex-spouse is required to continue paying her life insurance premiums and is prohibited from removing me as the beneficiary. I was told that […]

Have You Looked at Your Life Insurance Policy Lately?

I cannot stress enough the importance of updating the beneficiary designation on your life insurance policy.  So many people simply forget to change the designated beneficiary when they experience a death, marriage, divorce or other major life event.  As a result, the insured’s intended beneficiaries have to fight for what the insured would have wanted […]

Will or Beneficiary Form: Which Controls?

The Facts: I was told that the money in the joint account I have with my son and the money in my IRA will not be distributed according to my Will when I die. The Question: Is that correct? The Answer: Yes, that is correct. Many people mistakenly believe that, following their death, the provisions in their Will […]

Who is Required to Get Notice of the Probate of My Will?

The Facts: My father died 2 years ago. My mother is receiving hospice care. In her Will my mother leaves her estate to me and my sister. Her Will provides that my estranged brother who has not been seen or heard from by anyone in the family for over a decade is not to receive anything. […]

Children’s Inheritance When a Parent Dies

The Facts: I was married for 20 years and have two sons ages 19 and 13. I am now divorced and my ex-husband has remarried. Despite the settlement papers we signed in connection with our divorce, my ex never paid child support or contributed to my sons’ education expenses and has not been part of my […]

What if a Beneficiary Dies Before Me?

The Facts: My mother’s brother, Frank, never married and did not have any children. He died with a Will that left everything to my mother. Although Frank and my mother had a brother, John, Frank did not mention John in his Will. Unfortunately, my mother died a year before Frank. I am my mother’s only heir. […]

Wills vs. Living Trusts: What’s Right for You?

The saying that nothing is certain except death and taxes is not accurate. The fact that taxes will increase is also a certainty, as is the fact that many people try to avoid paying taxes. Unfortunately, some attorneys take advantage of the public’s aversion to paying taxes and convince people that living trusts, also known […]